Some students have a complex understanding of success and
often they see images of people achieving instant success on reality shows and
programmes like ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ or ‘The X-Factor’. The hard work is
hidden from audiences. The VT shows a week’s worth of blood and sweat reduced
to a soundbite of 10 seconds. We see the trauma of the press reaction or a nasty comment from someone on Twitter but a lot is missing. Where’s the boredom of learning lines? Where’s the boredom of
going through the same dance movement over and over again? What they, and we,
see is the polished sugary niceness of the performance. It looks effortless. It
looks like they have only practised it once, but they have a ‘natural’ talent for
performing, when in reality it has taken much more effort. Maybe we need to see the
effort that people put behind work and learning.
Before you start thinking that I am a draconian,
tweed-wearing, coffee-breathing stuffy dinosaur of education past,
listen to some of these thoughts. Why do some students find revision difficult?
It might be their inability to work
independently, or it might be that it is hard to make revising knowledge fun.
Why do some students struggle with the leap between GCSE and A-level? It might be
that they lack the skills necessary, or it could be their expectations of learning –
they think things will be fun and engaging as they always have been in KS3 and KS4. Why do some students struggle at university? It could be that they
chose the wrong course, or it could be that the learning isn’t tailored for
their interests, but for academic success.
Now, some of these points might be leaps of imagination, on
my part, but I do feel that we have a duty to prepare students for life and
work. I love teaching, but there are some tough bits, and, occasionally, some
dull bits - I am not complaining, honestly. Every job I have had has been the same;
some good bits and some dull boring stuff. Real life can be, well, a tad bit
boring too. I am not advocating that we sit students on a chair and role play
sitting on counter waiting for your shift to finish in three hours, but I think
we have to be honest about life and learning. It is not all tap dancing,
sunshine and smiles – what do you mean that doesn’t sound like your life?
It is not just teaching that is affected by this cultural
shift. How many channels on TV do we have now? Click. I remember the days of
four channels. Click. Now we have an endless amount of things to watch a click
away. Click. Click. Click. Also, the film ‘Avengers Assembled’ typifies this notion towards boredom
and a short attention span. Bloody great
film, but every five minutes it has an action scene or some special effect to
make sure you don’t nod off. Compare it with Richard Donner’s sublime ‘Superman’ 70s
film and you see a big difference. There are lots of lengthy characters building
dialogue scenes it it and the action and special effects tend to be in the background. It is as if CGI is the
film equivalent of Ritalin. It stops the audience from misbehaving and moving
out of their seats. It isn’t just films;
it’s also TV. Look at a new episode of Doctor Who and you’ll notice the pace of
things is phenomenal. You barely have time to notice the plot as one thing
happens after another in quick succession.
Where does it leave us teachers? The B Factor or The Boredom
Factor. Personally, I think that we have to actively work with students to give
them a variety of things. However, I think we should be honest about what
learning is: it is hard, difficult and boring. It takes effort, thought and
willpower. We shouldn’t propagate the myth that ‘learning is fun and easy’. A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go
down. A spoon full of sugar goes together perfectly with a spoon full of nasty,
yucky medicine. Maybe, we need to balance the sugar with the medicine. Not every
aspect of teaching can be sugary. Some of it needs to be medicine, but we need
to be clear about that. You might think this is a heavily disguised attempt to promote
chalk and talk teaching and death by textbook lessons – I am not. I just feel
that we need to have a balance in our teaching and that the students need to
know that the sugar isn’t the main part of learning and how the medicine is the
most important part of what we offer. The fix. The cure. The source of their
I am not sponsoring a Pepsi Zero approach. A sugarless
experience. We need lessons to be ‘fun’ at times to hook students in, but it is the spoon of medicine after the fun that is the most important thing as it is challenging, thought-provoking, demanding, effective and occasionally boring.
Right, I am bored of this and I have some flashcards to
laminate, an interpretive dance of 'Of Mice and Men' to prepare and a joke about subordinate clauses to write. Oh, and I am off to find a more interesting blog….
Thanks to @Gwenelope again for editing duties.
Thanks to @Gwenelope again for editing duties.
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